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Ethan's 9th Birthday

edgeToday is a special day, as we celebrate the 14th birthday of Ethan Rigby! Ethan is an amazing young person, and we are so fortunate to have him in our lives. He brings joy and happiness to everyone around him, and today is the perfect day to celebrate all that he is and all that he means to us.

Ethan is a kind, compassionate, and intelligent young man who always has a smile on his face. He is passionate about learning, sports, and spending time with his family and friends. He has a wonderful sense of humor, and he never fails to make those around him laugh.

As Ethan celebrates his 14th birthday today, we are reminded of all the incredible things he has accomplished in his life so far. He has shown resilience, determination, and a strong work ethic in all that he does. We are proud of the young man he has become and are excited to see all that he will achieve in the years to come.
To Ethan, we say: happy 14th birthday! May this year be filled with happiness, love, and all the things that bring you joy. May you continue to learn and grow, and may you always know how loved and valued you are.

We are grateful to have you in our lives, Ethan, and we look forward to celebrating many more birthdays with you in the years to come. Enjoy your special day, and know that you are loved!